Okay I give up!!!!!!

får la skriva på svenska då eftersom google inte uppmuntrar mina felstavningar så mamma och pappa får svårt att läsa ibland.. Plus det känns lite weird att skriva på eng. när bara mina svenska vänner läser det ändå :P

Så då är det julafton och här är jag i Lilla NEw York och går promenader och äter köttfärssås med pasta :D och mintchoklad glass :D haha JA mamma jag gick faktiskt en låång promenad med den ena Hunden :D

Men jag ska inte klaga :D JAG SLIPPER KÄNNA MIG TJOCK EFTER JUL :D hahaha jag äter inte massa julmat :D Snart kommer fia och Hanna och hälsar på :D ska bli kul, kunna prata svenska med vänner, prata skit och prata av mig med vänner som känner mig sen långt tillbaka :D Jag får min shoppingkompisar som klarar av att shoppa med mig :D AAAHHH kom på att jag får inte glömma av att visa dem irregular choice :D

Men jag har ett problem kvar :( VEM fan ska jag dra med till Madame Tussads vaxkabinett? Jag vill dit :D men Maayan har säkert redan vart där och jag behöver en flummkompis.. fia och Hanna var i england och det är mer eller mindre samma stjärnor... :/ får lägga ut en ansökan på FB haha XD

Kanske mamma och Pappa när de kommer??? ;) jag kan vänta 4 månader :D

Imorgon ska jag skypa med min familj.. kl 11 på morgonen.. aja det är iaf inte kl 6 am :P måste skriva en påminnelse.. JAG VILL DANSA SNART!!! men Maayan är i carribean + inte sett henne på en månad... Får fråga Deline och hennes kompis :D

Såg Easy A idag också... ska se senare " a sorcceres apprentice" med Nicholas Cage :D men Easy A var såå värd att se.. I realy Like that one.. får skaffa den på DVD :D

länk---->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNbPnqyvItk = Easy A <3<3<3


det blev aldrig "the sorcceres apprentice" det blev "STEP UP 3" den var värd att se, jag vill ocksåkunna dansa sådär :D

men nu ska jag gå ner och äta frukost så jag blir klr i tid när jag ska skypa med min familj



I felt I should write a bloog, but now I lost my thread.

YEah Winter has finally arrived here to New York. Snow is on th ground and it is cold outside.. Woundering if I should go to the city or not this weekend... I want to go out but I don't have anyone to go with... :) Maayan is busy again :P as always... yeah yeah... I want to cut my hair so today I am going to a place in pelham and I think I will checck the prices... And I am counting down until Fia and Hanna is coming. I am onging to show you my city but you guys will probalby have time to see it before I can hang out with you.

I got a Poinsettia from my hostmom. I brought up a light so I could light it for Lucia, but I didn't found my lighter, so The candle is still intact... great....

I aso caused a fire this morning. Here we have a gasoline stove, And I spilled some water I was going to clean it up, but I got distracted so I left the towel on the stowe next to a lighted hotplate. FIRE!!! Super great, and I was already stressed... When I told my super kind host mom she just looked at me and said with a smile: "That wasn't clever..." That more or less our relation.. She is really kind to me :D

(seeing Supernatural season 5 on the tv, while I am typing and The guys are quite hot :D)

almost three months since I left sweden. And sorry but I really like it here ;) I don't know if I want to ome back :P haha sure I will come back some day :D But I am so thankful for my lovely family(from sweden) That are sending me these wonderful holidays card, inklusive a little letter.

(btw think "sam" is in need of a haircut....")

I was so moved from the card so yes I let a tear fall. But mom you have to practice to write neater... Was it Max that got a bloody eye or papa? :/

here the days goes by, one by one and I realy like ths working thing.. It is good to be busy because the time just goes bye. But sadly the weekends too.

so was new, I got this fancy new years eve's dress, it is black.. More I can't say be cause I don't want to ruin the suprise for Fia and Hanna..

Nope time to fix my nails :D BYE xoxox//kicki


No updates for almost a month!!! I am so sorry guys/girls or people.. How you now want to pronouns your self..:P

Anyway what have happen that is importend??? Hm... MUCH!!!!! and more...

I think I have to start with yesterday and go back.. yea yea you get it, if not just hang along ;) You guys who knows me, I am soo tangled :D

Btw I have seen Tangled on cinema :D I love that movie!!! SEEE IT!!! It is made like the old classic ones.
And That movie will always have a special place in my heart :D maybe because I know someone how has worked on it!! It's like a dream to meet a person in reality that accually works on Disney!!! how cool isn't that????;)

So Today I had a wonderful day. I took a brunch with my hostmom :D We talked about stuff: How everything is going, how we can make things smooth easier (like the stressfull mornings) and everything els that just came to your minds. After that I went to get the green car and I drove home and continued to to clean my room(been doing that for 3 days now, I am still not done.....) It just that stuff comes in my way... just a little annoying but talking to eve while I sorting the stuffs in my dresser was nice :D I am just a little sad tht you could not help me with my confusing problem ;) but hey, I think time will solve it XD

This last week have been like the weeks before more or less.. Cooking dinner for kids, laundry, taking walks.... About walking.. I was going to have a breakfast at starbucks with my friend Maria(from germany, a lovely girl) and I was a half mile away from home when I saw the textmessage that she couldn't because of work so I thought I just should walk to get the green car and then after another quarter of mile I realised I had forgot the car key!!!!! GREAT!!... or NOT!

my last weekend I was in NYC the whole weekend. I slept over at Maayans hosthome.. atleast that was what we planed...:P We went out on the friday to Pianos once again. It was a little bit more fun this time. But I got to much in me, I left my number to two guys that's not my taste so now I am standing here with two guys that are textmessing me and I don't know what to do... (no I haven't answer, evil me and maayans advise :P) yeah I blame everything on her.. no I don't just a joke.. Maayans is nice, she understod me from the first begining.. It's so nice to have people around that accept you for how you are.. even my host kids does.. They say I am funny :DBut I don't feel so mch funny when I am crawling on my knees and they are riding my back... because they want me to be a DOG!!!!!??? haha

But I don't feel so mch funny when I am crawling on my knees and they are riding my back... because they want me to be a DOG!!!!!??? haha

anyway on saturday Maayan, Ori and Itay went to MET! (metropolitan museum of Art) soo nice, It is a little funny on the entrens fee, because you leav how much you want from $1+ I left $5 :) And the picturse was mostly on Holy Maria and her child.. but I just could stand there and watch the background because if you watched the paintings long time enoght you see all the details in the background. Like a woman who is cleaning cloths in the river. An army on horses that comes down from the mountain. A town in the horizont...so much to look at.. After that we watched a movie at Ori's place. The movie's name was wild at heart it wasice the bit I saw, I was sleepy okay...!!! then Me and Maayan went home to her place to take a shower and do makeup then we went to a technoparty :D Resolute Party :D soo nice to just dance, I have been waiting for that :D I was almost sober this night I only took one drink at Ori's place.

On the Sunday Maayan was woorking so I went downtown to the Financial district and walked to see ground Zero and Walked on WALL STREET!!! So georgous it is around there. you have these skylines and then sudenly you have a church infornt of you. I even saw Federal Hall where George Washington svorn the oath. Then I walked up to the city Hall and broadway. After that I took the subway to the Flatiron building with directions from Ori. I didn't know which street it was lying on. but Now I know :D after that I went home.

the weekend before that I was out with my germans friends. We ate japanese food at a returant in the suburn next to us and they went before me because of bad cellphone connection. But my friends who knows me I went anyway because it is not much that stops me when I have decided for a thing to do:D I had a great time. It was the first time that I hang out with this group. 3 girls from germany and one girl from Italy... I took Terayaki chicken and california rolls. soo good :D I ate with chopsticks the whole time, PROUD!!!!! That saturday I was home and made my nails and on the Sunday I went mith the girls to IKEA!!!!!!

I had fun at IKEA, because they still have the same names on the things so One time I really want to hear an American say "Småland", "Kivik" or even "Vara-Basås" LOL after IKEA we went to the Long beach and watch the sun set :D And felt on the atlantic ocean or what it is called here... It was a little cold but we had a great time. Then we almost got lost when we were on our way home but we made it :D BTW I saw Harry Potter 7 part 1 on the friday too :D with the same girls.. so then it is not the first time I met them :P

Oh I amost forgot the two most important parts that happend. The 25th nowember we celebrated Thanksgiving :D we ate, HOLD ON: 2 different stuffings, brussels sprouts with hassels nuts, cranberry jam, mashed sweet potato, Turkey, 2 different cakes(1 chocolate cherry and some nuts, and 1 pistace nut cake), a pecant nut pie, one apple pie and pineapples and grapes. I was full so full I didn't have the dessert that day, I ate the pies the next day.

And now we are celebrating Chanukkah :D or Hannukah or how you spell it. My hostmom said that there are like 16 different ways to spell it ;) But anyway you have a menorah and you light a candle :D you add one candle for each night and there are 8 nights :D so 9 candles :D yes I counted right 'cause you have one candel tolight the others with :D Chanukah is about when the Maccabeans fought the greeks about the holy temple in Jerusalem and won. To celebrate the returning of the tempel the Maccabeans wanted to light a candle. They found a candle but it only had enoght oil to shine for one night but under a miracle I was lighted for EIGHTS NIGHTS!!!! so to celebrate Hanukkah the jews light the menorah to remember the returning of the tempel and the candle, and the war. They eat Latkes (potato pancakes) with applesauce Yes I had that today and It was soo god :D

but now the clock shows 11,32pm and I need to sleep (I'm done anyway)

so xoxo// Kicki (^_^)

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