Having fun

This weekend I had so much fun :D

in Friday I was on cinema with some new friends and we saw Harry Potter 7 part 1 :D

it was a really nice movie :D I didn't get any breakfast that morning so I took some nachos with cheese and pepperoni.. :D hot but so good. And the cinema had even Coco Cola Cherry :D

Then I was cleaning a little when I came home and then I work until 7:30. After that Me and the girls went out to eat japanese food :D I tried sushi and then I had Terayaki chicken :D. Sooo good. After that me and Conny shared a cheesecake.

On Saturday I was in the city by myself. Sometimes you just want to go by your self :D and I had a great time.

 i grand central

The Vanity Fair in Grand Central. It is up until 24 dec.

(left corner)in NYC 5th avenue and 42th street

The Public Libary at left corner. I am standing in the corner of 42th street and 5th avenue. The street in front of me is 42th street

Macy's at 34th street

my medium size cola.... are you sure that I got medium and not LARGE???

I ordered a medium size, why do I never learn.. TAKE SMALL!!!!!

The Empire State Building

Butterfly, fly away

(first I had almost written a whole blogg and then I by accident happend to remove it by changing site. FUCK DAMN IT!!!!)

anyway I just have to write it. not happy rigth now.

I am right now listening to Titanic. Love the song :D wounder why???!! ;) Sarah when I come home, can I borrow your CD, if I haven't find my own???

before I was listening to butterfly by miley cyrus.. I know that you may thing that the song is childish but I love the lyrics. I have had a pretty good day today and yesterday I talked to my mom and dad(biological). I talked a while with my mom first and then when I was going to talk with my dad I burst out in tears. No I am not homesick I was just moved. It was the second time I talked to my mom over the phone since I came here and the first time with my dad. (and I am crying know to, when I am thinking of it) My mom told me and my dad filled up with the details that he have sold my skruttibangbang (mazdan). He has now a peugeot (atomatic). things change at home. I can't belive that you guys have snow at home, today I saw a boy in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops, beat that guys:P even I was freezing when I saw him but here we have around 15 degrees celsius.

Today I have been mostly on my room, just watching tv. And then I took a shower and a walk by myself without the dogs. I was investigeting the town. They have as many car washes as fkp have pizza shops. but here it was one street!!!! 

After that I was home and I was social against my hostfamily that I more or less haven't seen on the whole day. Me and the girl was in a little argue because she lose against me in a soccertable game. twice. 'cause she lose she accused me to cheat, and you know me I won't give up if someone accused me worng, even children. She she said that I was stupid (the kids was of saying you are evil). I told her that I was hurt my her words And I was on the line to start crying (I was really uppset). Then she kept quiet and then Small stuffs poped up in my sight ( I was drawing). I didn't take them (stubborn) but I was moved by her guest. I am greatful that I ended up in thins family, the mother and father is so kind and the kids are adorable. they are never mad more thn 10 minutes and after that it is like they forgot that we had a argue.

all this makes me wonder how I will turn out if I am going to have kids! I am not an orginazed person, and I take the stuff in my own speed:P. I am really for the first time curious about how my furture will end up when I got older(in the kids factor)

now til the real subject why I wanted to write. I have a friend back home that says that manga makes him feel so much better. And I can just agree with him. I am right now reading a manga called "Hapi  Mari". It is soo cute so I gives me BUTTERFLIES in my stomach when I am reading it. funny ha? In friday I also saw 2 good looking guys. but they were Au Pairs. so they are probably around 18-19 yr old.. great:P no thanks::D

nope now I will go and sleep and dream about Mr right that does not excicted. :P


Butterfly, fly away....

acctually a quite good song from miley cyrus :) Yeah yeah I know, but I like the song even if it is a litlle bit childish. I had a great day today. And yeasterday I talked to my mom and dad (biological). I started to cry. No I am not homesick I was just so moved, first by talking to my mom and when I started to talk to my dad it was just to much so I cried and I am doing it again.. Laughing out loud :P Found out that my dad have change my beloved skruttibangbang to a Peugeot (atomatic). To bad I didn't said goodbye to skrutten. But anyway the sound in the car was bad:P Here I have my to radio station That I am listening when I am driving. That is Peak and Rock station :D just haven't figured out which channel it is yet, I just flip until I got either of them :P

And today I spend most of my day in my room, just watching tv and took a shower. And gave my orchide some water (first time since I got here, And she still brings flower.. :/ )

After that I went out in the town. Went down to see the stores, ther is not many.... funny is that there are just as many carwash here as it is pizza shops at home.... And then I ate M&M Peanutbutter. SOOO GOOD!!!

so my day was pretty good. I just fought with my hostgirl, I won over her in soccergame board twice and she accused me to be cheating. I know everybody knows me pretty well And I can't give up when somebody accused me wrong. ANd she called me stupid. (the kids way to say u are evil) and after that when I told her that it hurt me that she said so, and I was soon going to cry becasue of her. She didn't said anything but she gave me stuff. I didn't take them(stubborn as I am I KNOW!!! :P) but I was kind of moved but her gest. I greatful that I ended up in this family. Even if the kids can be a little harsh in their words sometimes. But they are never mad more then 10 minutes and then they more or less forgot the matter. they are so cute!!!!!

And All this thing makes me wonder how I will end up as a mother if I ever got kids, I am not so much organized, I take things as they come.. haha for the first time I am really curious in how my future will be in the childmatter.

okay kristin now to the real sub


missed some pictures? And I thought that you all knew that I am bad at taking the camera with me :D

but here does some comes

The girls I was traviling wih is checking the flight.

We had fun on the plane between Finland and New York.

Is it really so hard to know how to do?

on the orientation

A part of the girls from the orientation, at least everybody here was going to the kareoke night.

Flower, Liraz and Inna <3

Flower(Guatemala), Liraz(Israel) and Inna(israel) on their way to the mall...

My favorite spot here

We are standing with the PLAZA hotel doorman. Plaza is a fancy hotel at central park :D

Grand Central station with the BIG SMALL CLOCK!!!!

in daylight

Time square in daylight

in night

And in night time :D

gul taxibil,      Yellow Cab from NYC

Yellow cab :D

tjejerna jag är med mest     Anne(France) and Maayan(Israel)

The girls I hang out moste with

Union Square

på union square och pratar med en kompis    on union square talikng with a friend

Maayan on Union square talking with a friend because we are on our way to eat brunch on a french resturant at 4th street/ 12th street. Every street usally cross with a avenue except 4th street and 10,11,12 th streets.

Irregular choice on 276 Lafayette street.

sötaste skokartong

The cutest shoe box ever, from a store.

Mina skor från Irregular choice      My shoes from The brand Irregular Choice.

My shoes from irregular choice

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